Kabazuguluka addizibwe ssente ze zonna zayonoonye mu musango – Omulamuzi Tuhaise

Omulamuzi Persy Night Tuhaise avuddeyo nawa ensala ye nategeeza nti okuvunaana omuntu omusango gwonna kulina kukolebwa DPP.
Ono ayongeddeko nti amazima n’obwenkanya bisobola okukolebwa era nokwolesebwa singa Bammemba ba General Court Martial babeera nobuyigirize mu nsonga zamateeka bwatyo nategeeza nti GCM terina busobozi buwozesa bantu.
Ono agobye okujjulira era nalagira Hon. Micheal Kabaziguruka addizibwe ssente zonna zasaasanyizza mu musango guno.
Justice Persy Night Tuhaise recommends that all the prosecution of criminal offenses should be done by the DPP. She asserts that Justice cannot only be done but also seen if the members of the General Court Martial hold qualifications in legal matters and therefore, pronounces the GCM INCOMPETENT to handle judicial matters.
She concludes that the Appeal FAILS and awards costs to the RESPONDENT.
Bya Christina Nabatanzi
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